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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why play club volleyball?

  • To learn more about the sport of volleyball from experienced coaches
  • Improve your individual and team skills
  • Continue to play at a competitive level after school season
  • Showcase your abilities to college recruiters
  • Prepare yourself to make a school team the next season
  • Work with Experienced and Talented coaches
  • Extensive practice
  • Build Purposeful friendships
  • Experience a wide range of competition
  • You love volleyball and have a great time playing!

What are the Age Group Classifications?

The following age groups shall be in effect for athletes for the 2024-25 season.

  • 18 & Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 or were high school students in the 12th grade or below during the current academic year and are 19 years of age or younger (born on or after July 1, 2005).
  • 16 & Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008. (Cannot turn 17 before July 1st, 2025).
  • 15 & Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009. (Cannot turn 16 before July 1st, 2025).
  • 14 & Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010. (Cannot turn 15 before July 1st, 2025).
  • 13 & Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011. (Cannot turn 14 before July 1st, 2025).
  • 12 & Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012. (Cannot turn 13 before July 1st, 2025).
  • 11 & Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013. (Cannot turn 12 before July 1st, 2025).
  • 10 & Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2014.  (Cannot turn 11 before July 1st, 2025).

Can you give me more info about Tryouts?

When are tryouts?

Tryout for the 2025 Club season are coming soon!  The first tryout begins Sunday, October 27th for 10's-14's.   Additional tryout sessions will occur the week of Oct. 27th - Nov. 2nd.  

High school aged teams (15's through 18's) will begin tryouts on Monday, Nov. 4th and tryouts will continue throughout the week of Nov 4th - 10th.

Additional sessions by age group will be announced closer to tryouts along with the specifics around dates/times.

Click here to go to the tryout page.  All age groups will have 3-5 tryout sessions.  Girls should try to be at as many tryouts as possible (if not all) to receive a fair evaluation and be able to show the best representation of their abilities.

Can you give me more information about tryouts?

  • Players are expected to be at all tryout dates and times. If a conflict arises for other commitments, please let the age group coaches know before the missed day.
  • All players will be expected to preregister through our website before she can tryout. This will include the initial payment of $375 which represents the first payment and is non-refundable.  All other payments will depend on the team each girl is placed on.  Payment will be made online.
  • NOTE:  All registration payments must be processed BEFORE tryouts begin.  Any athletes whose payments have not been received by COA Volleyball prior to Tryouts will be asked to submit payment during tryout sign-in before being eligible to participate in tryouts.
  • All players will be expected to complete their annual registration with AAU ($20) BEFORE she can tryout (for insurance purposes).   It is important when you register that you enter the CLUB CODE unique to our club:   CLUB CODE:  W3ETAD 
  • Register before Oct. 24th (10's-14's) or Nov. 2nd (15-18's) to avoid a $15 late registration fee (implemented last year to offset administrative overhead costs associated with planning for late registrants).
  • All girls are expected to tryout in their own age group. The easiest way to determine your age group is asking, "How old will I be on July 1, 2025?"  If you answer '13', then you will tryout as a 13--even if you are 12 right now as tryouts begin.
  • Please come dressed and ready  for tryouts.  Each girl will receive one tryout shirt to be put on before tryouts begin .  Shirts will be distributed at check-in.
  • Please arrive early for tryouts. The check-in process should be quick, but we expect large numbers in some age groups.  We will have a staff and volunteers ready to assist as you arrive.
  • All players will be expected to be fitted for uniforms on the first day of try-outs. Be prepared that you may be at the tryout site a little over the scheduled time to be properly fitted for uniforms. We may ADD several fitting days before tryouts.
    • Uniform fitting for the 2025 club season :
      • October 27th | 9am-3pm | 14s and under​​​​
      • November 6th | 6-7pm | 18s
      • November 9th | 12pm-4pm | 15s and 16s
  • Upon completion of tryouts, all girls will be called or emailed with a decision on their placement.  There may be cuts in certain age groups if numbers are large.  Our goal will be to place all girls on teams, but it may not work out that way in certain situations.  If a girl is cut, a full refund will be given.  Any girl and her parent who choose not to be on the team assigned at the completion of tryouts will not be given a refund.
  • Late fees may be imposed on accounts with past due balances.  Those late fees will be handled the same as regular club dues with respect to expectations for payment to bring accounts current without impacting a players play/practice time.

What other expenses are there besides the club fees?

  • Each player/parent is responsible first to make club payments on time.  The amount will vary depending on the team and level of play.
  • Club fees will include tourney entry costs, insurance, coach's travel cost, coach's salary, uniform package, use of facilities, practice/tryout shirt, administrative fees, and equipment fees.
  • Not included in club costs will be AAU membership ($20), USAV membership (if necessary), and player/family travel expenses. Players and family members may also want to purchase additional COA fan gear. Player/family travel expenses will vary greatly depending on the age and level of team.  Families can plan carefully to cut costs as needed.

When will practices begin and what is a typical week during club season?

  • Practices will begin right after tryouts.  Practice schedules will be posted for November/December as soon as possible. December practices will be 2-3 per week and may run through Christmas break.
  • Once practices resume in January, practices will be 2-3 times per week depending on the age and level of team.
  • All monthly practice schedules will be posted on  this website. 

How are practices designed and prepared for the players?

  • COA will continue modeling the formula that has made Mintonette VBC out of Columbus, OH a national power--'TIER  Practices'.  In other words, teams will be placed in groups that may shift from practice to practice. In these 'tiers' one veteran coach  is responsible for developing the practice plan for all the teams in the Tier (group) for that practice.  All coaches within that Tier will be expected to provide feedback to all girls in the gym.  This will create a community feel program and create cohesion for all of the players--trained in the same manner.
  • Club teams will have practices, at times, with just their team to work on the line-up, team needs, and concentrate on rotation weaknesses and defensive systems.
  • Positional sessions will be developed as well. These sessions may be built into part of the tier training as the season progresses.

During the tryout process, how are teams formed and girls evaluated?

  • Athleticism--Players will go through athletic testing.
  • By position--girls will be looked at by need at positions. The older the team and higher the skill level, the more important the skill at positions is necessary.
  • By school--once in high school, all Indiana girls are limited to 3 from the same school on the same team. This is an Indiana (IHSAA) rule that we must follow.  Illinois does not have this rule.
  • Coordination--all players that have/are multi-sport athletes will have advantages during tryouts because their coordination has been further developed.
  • Potential development--depending on the team and age, girls may be evaluated by the potential growth ('ceiling'). In other words, each girl may be evaluated on how good she may be by the end of club season--not necessarily what she can/cannot do during tryouts.
  • Experience/skill--It is important to have skill going into tryouts; especially at the older ages into high school.  To make competitive teams, skill will be very important in determining team placement. For younger ages (8-11s),  we understand many will be beginners so we take that factor in to account to be fair.
  • Effort--simply put, how hard does the girl play and does she play with purpose?

What are my total cost for club dues? depends on the team each player is placed on. 

2025 Fee Schedule

Team 1st pay-Before Tryouts Jan. 2 Feb. 2 Mar. 2 Apr. 2 2-May TOTAL 
18-1  (National) $375 $385 $385 $385 $385 $385 $2,300
18-2  (National) $375 $385 $385 $385 $385 $385 $2,300
18-3 (Regional) $375 $350 $350 $350     $1,425
16-1  (National) $375 $385 $385 $385 $385 $385 $2,300
16-2   (National) $375 $365 $365 $365 $365 $365 $2,200
16-3   (Regional) $375 $300 $300 $300     $1,275
16-4 (Regional) $375 $250 $250       $875
15-1 (National) $375 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $2,150
15-2 (National) $375 $315 $315 $315 $315 $315 $1,950
14-1  (National) $375 $345 $345 $345 $345 $345 $2,100
14-2  (National) $375 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $1,825
14-3  (Regional) $375 $275 $275 $275     $1,200
14-4 (Regional) $375 $250 $250       $875
14-Prep (Local) $375 $70 $70       $515
13-1   (National) $375 $335 $335 $335 $335 $335 $2,050
13-2   (Regional) $375 $300 $300 $300 $300   $1,575
13-3 (Regional) $375 $275 $275       $925
12-1   (National) $375 $335 $335 $335 $335 $335 $2,050
12-2   (Regional) $375 $325 $325 $325     $1,350
12-3   (Regional) $375 $275 $275       $925
12-4 (Regional) $375 $250 $250       $875
11-1   (National) $375 $305 $305 $305 $305 $305 $1,900
11-2 (Regional) $375 $250 $250       $875
10-1   (Regional) $375 $300 $300       $975
10-12 Training (Local) $375 $50 $50       $475



What are the expectations for Parents/Players Once Selected for a Team?

Player Expectations:

1. Try to be at practices/tourneys at the expected time.

2. Display good sportsmanship and respect for all. Period.

3. Be positive towards your teammates, the coaches, parents, officials, and support staff.

4. Prepare oneself before all competition, both mentally and physically. Rely on coaches, parents, and teammates when you need them. We are all family.

5. Be open with your coach on schedule conflicts, frustrations, and when you do not understand something.  Try to take ownership of these discussions yourself, rather than relying on parent intervention.  This will help your personal growth and development and better prepare you for the future.

6. Be careful of what you post on ALL social media posts; or texts.  (see social media policy for more info)

7. Players are expected to give full effort, both mentally and physically, at all practices and tourneys.  Improvement is not always easy.  It is a challenge all COA players must face. Welcome adversity when it comes your way; it builds great character for your future!

8.  Clean up after yourselves, both at practices and and tournaments. Don't leave water bottles, food wrappers, or clothing/gear for someone else to take care of.  Be responsible for your own stuff!

9.  All players are expected to take their turn line judging, down-reffing, keeping the books/score, etc. during tournaments.  Be a good team mate, and improve your depth of knowledge of volleyball at the same time!


Parent Tourney expectations:

1. Try to be on time based on when the coach wants the girls at the playing site.

2. Stay positive at tourneys. Be a supportive parent for your daughter and the team.  Avoid the negatives towards the players, the team, and the coach.  Do not yell or argue with Refs or the working ref team.

3. Playing time is up to the coach.  All players should see playing time each day of tourney, but it does not have to be equal. Parents need to understand this. There are many factors in determining where and how much each girl plays.

4. Parents are to use the '24 hour' policy for discussing any issues over the coaches' decisions at tourneys.  This policy allows time for emotions to decrease before a discussion can happen.  Parents are not to question or challenge a coach in any way during a tourney or at the tourney site.

5. Parents need to communicate with the coach ahead of time if she cannot attend a tourney for other commitments. Coaches will need time to adjust the team based on an absence.

6. Understand that if your daughter's team is reffing, the entire team is expected to stay for the working match whether your daughter is actually working or not.  All teammates need to stay for each other to be fair.


(These guidelines are expected of players, coaches, and parents)


COA believes in developing players not just as volleyball players, but as young athletes. At times, coaching decisions may be made that are not agreed-upon by all parties or parents involved.  We strongly encourage all of our coaches to make coaching decisions based on a club first, then team, then player philosophy, as players go through our program.  This philosophy will become more evident as your child reaches 13 and 14 age level teams. At younger ages, a stronger emphasis is put on continuous player development.  While player and personal development will not cease to exist with older age groups, a shift will begin to take place which will move towards emphasis on winning games and tournaments.


  • Players are expected to attend all practices and tournaments with exception to emergency situations, injuries/illness, and school related events, or pre-planned excused absences (ie: family wedding).  

  • Players are expected to have positive attitudes, work hard at practice, support their teammates on and off the court, be on time to games/practices and support the club at all times. At times, this may mean cheering teammates on from the bench.

  • Players should prepare themselves mentally and physically before competition.  Rely on coaches, teammates, and parents.

  • Players are expected to participate in line-judging, down-reffing, keeping book, etc as directed by coaches during tournaments.

  • Players should be cautious/aware of social media posts (see social media policy).  

  • Players are expected to clean up after themselves following practices/games.  Be responsible and set a good example for the club as a whole.

  • If a child breaks a law or school related policies outside of the club, the club may enforce disciplinary action as well.  


  • Try to be on time based on the time the coach requests the players at the playing site.

  • Stay positive at tourneys. Be a supportive parent for your child and the team.  Avoid the negatives towards the players, the team, and the coach.  

  • Do not argue with Refs or the working ref team.

  • Parents are to use the '24 hour' policy for discussing any issues with coaches’ decisions at tourneys.  This policy allows time for emotions to decrease before a discussion can happen.  Parents are not to question or challenge a coach in any way during a tourney or at the tourney site.

    • Coaches are advised not to respond to complaints/issues from parents if communication occurs prior to 24 hours following tourney completion.  This applies to general complaints about coaching decisions, playing time, etc-- not for urgent matters such as bullying or criminal acts.

PRACTICE GUIDELINES (Reference parent attendance/gym presence)

Generally speaking, all parents are encouraged to refrain from being present in the gym to limit potential distractions and to allow or foster player accountability and development.  Parents are always welcome to wait in the parking lot during practices.

12’s and under:
While encouraged to refrain from being present, parents are allowed to be present in the gym during practice if they so choose.

13’s and over:
Parents are allowed in the practice facility/school, however they shall not enter the gym area or interact with players/coaches during practice.  Observation from windows/doors with windows is permissible.


13-3’s, 12-2’s, 12-3’s, 11-1’s, 11-2’s, 10-1’s, Training team:

Coaches are expected to offer players fairly even amounts of playing time (based on position) and place a strong emphasis on learning and building volleyball skills, player development, and learning the game in general.  


  • On these teams, parents may speak to coaches with concerns, questions, advice on player development, etc. -- AFTER the ‘24-hour’ policy. Players are encouraged to talk to their coaches on these issues if she feels comfortable to do so. 

12-1’s, 13-1’s, 13-2’s and all 14’s

Coaches are expected to continue to build volleyball skills, while adding more technical offensive and defensive aspects of the game. Coaches are also expected to begin the shift to more focus on winning matches and tournaments.  Playing time for some players may be limited as the shift of the club mission will begin to develop; club first, team second, then individual players.


  • Parents will be allowed to speak to coaches with concerns, questions, advice on player development, etc.  However, IT IS encouraged that parents begin to suggest to their children to speak to their coaches individually if they have concerns or questions. 

  • If the parent chooses to speak with the coach on an issue/complaint, they shall follow the ‘24-hour’ policy.

15’s and above:

Playing time will be completely decided by coaches based on their volleyball knowledge, skill,  and performance. Playing time may be limited due to a variety of factors including player skill and ability, attendance at practice, player attendance at tournaments, level of play, player attitude, player effort in practice, game-to-game coaching decisions, etc.  Coaches are expected to have a strong focus to win games and tournaments, however player and personal development will continue to be a strong objective.  

Player specific:

  • Players should begin to take on stronger personal responsibility.  

  • Players should communicate with coaches about frustrations, questions, scheduling conflicts, and a lack of understanding of the game or coaching decisions. 

  • Players should be building personal growth and development to better prepare for their future and rely less on parent intervention.

  • Players should be engaged in a ‘team-first’ mentality and highly supportive of the team, including while not actively on the court.


  • Once your child reaches a 15 level team and above, players are expected to speak with coaches through the season about coaching decisions, playing time, etc.  

  • Your child will be expected to speak to the coach one on one if concerns, questions or issues arise.

  • Parents should refrain from approaching coaches on game related issues (playing time, coaching decisions, etc) and allow the player to resolve the conflict to better allow for growth, development and personal responsibility. 

  • If an issue is not resolved by the player/coach discussion, a parent can request to meet with the coach for a possible resolution after the ‘24-hour’ policy.

The club mission of club first, team second, then player will be fully emphasized on 15 level teams and above.



COA has a zero tolerance policy on abuse, sexual-harassment, or player to player bullying. If a parent has an issue in reference to a concern listed above, a criminal act or something similar in nature, they are encouraged to reach out to the coach or Club Director.  This does not apply to basic coaching decisions, player practices, or player playing time in tournaments, especially at 15 level teams and above.  

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Ali Fell

Ali Fell

Assistant Director / Fundraising Director

Phone: 812-243-8356